Are there fees for using the Kids First Data Resource Portal?

No. The portal itself is free to use. Anyone can make an account and browse available datasets using the Explore Data and File Repository tools. If you have been approved for access, you will have the ability to Send files to Cavatica for download and analysis.

Are there fees for downloading Kids First files from Cavatica to our local systems?

No. There are no storage costs for files from the Kids First portal on Cavatica. Once you Send them to a Cavatica project, you can follow the **directions for Bulk Download** to your local system. This is offered to all users at no charge. In order to help reduce internal egress costs, we ask that each group download a particular set of files no more than two times.

Are there fees for storing files in Cavatica?

It depends on the files.

There are no storage costs for Kids First files on Cavatica that are sent from the portal.

All other files in Cavatica projects incur storage costs. These include files that users upload to the project and any output that is generated by user workflows. User-generated files associated with Kids First files (for example, an index file that is generated from a Kids First alignment file) fall under this category and will contribute toward storage costs.

What is the rate for file storage on Cavatica?

Rates change monthly and are based on those charged by Amazon Web Service. Exact rates will vary, but are approximately $0.022 per GB per month.

Are there fees for running workflows on Cavatica?

Yes. Cavatica is powered by calling AWS Instances in order to complete computational tasks. Costs depend upon how powerful the called instance is as well as how long the computation takes. On our most popular workflows, we have posted the results of benchmarking tests, providing estimates in time and cost per sample.

Are there fees for using the Data Cruncher on Cavatica?

Yes. The Data Cruncher also runs on AWS Instances. Costs are based on the power of the called instance as well as the length of time the instance runs for. Estimated rates per hour for each Instance type are shown under Compute Requirements when creating a new analysis.

What are some tips and tricks for reducing my costs as much as possible?